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Activity List

Please find our activity list below:


At Func Events, we specialise in providing high-quality and unique events for all occasions. Our recent projects include creating exciting and memorable experiences for weddings, corporate companies (of all sizes), and birthday celebrations. If you don't see what you are looking for, please get in touch - we are constantly updating our events to suit your needs.

A corporate and team building events company delivering a netball event


Official Rules or a Func twist

A corporate and team building events company delivering a kick rounders event


Traditional rounders or have you tried kick rounders?

A corporate and team building events company delivering a marble run event

Marble Run

Work as a team to build the best marble run

A corporate and team building events company delivering a walking skis event

Walking Skis

4-6 people on a pair of skis trying to walk...simple right?

A corporate and team building events company delivering a egg and spoon event

Egg & Spoon Race

Ye old faithful, just bigger!

A corporate and team building events company delivering a tag rugby event

Touch Rugby

Need we say more?

A corporate and team building events company delivering a frisbee event


Ultimate Frisbee! One of Func's secret favourites. We can also offer Frisbee golf and Target Frisbee.

A corporate and team building events company delivering a dodgeball event


Throwing balls at people? Yes please.

A corporate & team building event logo

Bench Ball

Jump on a bench, catch a ball from your team mates, first team with all members on the bench wins. 

A corporate and team building events company delivering a sack race event

Sack Race

Sack race but for two people!

A corporate and team building events company logo

Lawn Bowls

Something with less pace?

A corporate & team building event logo


Launch a rocket as far as you can using compressed air? Say less, Elon.

A corporate and team building events company delivering a competitive tag event

Competitive Tag

Tag, you're it. I think you get it.

A corporate and team building events company delivering a zombie run event

Zombie Run

Like a scene out of The Walking Dead...


Just like tag just with Zombies. 

A corporate and team building events company delivering a capture the flag event

Capture the Flag

Secure the flag, protect the goods until you get the point.

A corporate and team building events company delivering a penalty shootout event

Penalty Shootout

Penalty Shootout - football, rugby ball, netball, basketball, frisbee? The choice is endless!

A corporate & team building event logo


Golf? Yeah but a crazy...

A corporate & team building event logo


Basketball, traditional rules!

A corporate and team building events company delivering a tug of war event

Tug of War


A corporate & team building event logo

Find The Func
Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt with a puzzling twist​.

A corporate & team building event logo

Detective Func

Solve the mystery before the time runs out!


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